Tuesday 9 January 2018

Last Blog

Thank you for reading my National Security Blog posts over the years.

For the past few months, I've been on hiatus after injuries officiating rugby league, rugby union and touch football games, I've been preoccupied with sports, my bread and butter, distracting me from focusing on National Security matters which is written pro bono.

Alas, for 2017, Adieu.

For 2018. I will open another blogspot, if I am able.

Im susceptible to too many injuries!

Tofa Soifua,

Timoteo Tufuga BA.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Iraqi Kurdish Referenda influences Greater Kurdistan, inadvertently, mobilises Turkey to fight US in Syria. By Tim Tufuga

On September 25, 2017, the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan is set to hold an important referenda to vote for the independence of the Iraqi Kurdistan from Iraq.

More significantly, as a consequence of this recognition of an Independent Sovereign State of Kurdistan, will be the residualised influence for an eventual expansion of Iraqi Kurdistan to include South East Turkey and North West Iran as part of the ancient Greater Kurdistan nation.
In view of the potential success of the referenda in Iraq, the eventual path for a Iraqi Kurdistan nation, which will then simply be known as Kurdistan, will undoubtedly have an obvious perceived threat to neighbouring Turkey, and Iran, whose Kurdish populations are considered an even more imminent threat to Turkey and Iran than the cursory Islamic State Caliphate.

Understandably then, regardless of the outcome of the Referenda result, Turkey and Iran, have already gone to great lengths to forgo their traditional religious sectarian ill will, ie, Iranian Shi'ism, and Turkey's Sunni Islamic influence, in conducting joint political and allegedly joint military campaigns in having to deal with the Kurdish issue.

As it may seem obvious, the post-ISIS conflict will, inadvertantly, morph into a war between Kurdish self determination forces headed by the Peshmerga, and the Syrian Democratic Front made up almost entirely with Syrian Kurds in the Peoples Protection Unit (YPG). In many respects, the Kurdish conflict may be considered as separate civil wars within the respective nation states of Turkey, Syria and Iran as a consequence of the successful outcome of the September 25th, 2017, Iraqi Kurdish referenda yes vote for their Independence from Iraq.
Meanhile, by late August and in September, 2017, the Turkish Army have mobilised rapidly south of their border in a confluence campaign with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Syrian Democratic Front (SDF). The SDF is a rebranding of the Syrian Kurdish militia also known as the Peoples Protection Unit or the YPG and, most importantly, the SDF is with the official Operation Inherent Resolve support by the US military, in an official Boots on the ground, involvement, in Syria.

SDF (YPG No longer considered a terrorist organisation by US renamed SDF)
On August 29th, 2017, the most significant development in the war against IS has been the schism from within the Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) joint command with other NATO members, with regards to Turkey's involvement. Turkey is the nearest NATO member to the actual Syrian conflict. NATO's involvement in the conflict is through Operation Inherent Resolve in having to deal with Islamic State (IS).

What seemed to be a united force amongst NATO members to repel IS has, instead, turned against themselves. Turkey's military (Operation Euphrates Sword) is now in a direct firefight with the US military (SDF) in Syria.

Turkey's involvement in the conflict, initially with Operation Euphrates Shield, has now been renamed Op. Euphrates Sword. Operation Euphrates Sword had initially allowed for the Turkish forces to commit to NATO's Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) by sweeping southward from the Turkish border, and, to work toegther with the Syrian forces heading due North and West, the SDF and SAA would eventually sweep norwest, towards Deir Ez Zor, in a pincer operation, to nullify once and for all IS.

Unfortunately, for Turkish unique operational campaign, whilst the primary objective was IS, the secondary, was Tanzim Qa'edat Al-Jihad fi Bilad Al-Sham" or Al Qaeda within the Levant. Paradoxically, the Al Qaeda of the Levant are also fighting IS. The third objective in the Turkish operation whilst considered less important for now, is perhaps, considered the more important and visceral issue for the Turkish nation, dealing with the Kurdish insurgency.

The Peoples Protection Unit, or YPG, has been considered as a terrorist organisation by NATO and especially by Turkey. With a name change to SDF, the US military have felt less compelled to consider the YPG as a terrorist organisation and have instead joined forces with the SDF. The SDF is not a terrorist organisation according to the US military and therefore the US military will join forces with the Kurds moreso than with the SAA and much less with the Al Qaeda Syrian branch, now known as the Tanzim Qaeda Al-Jihad Fi Bilad Al-Sham. (Or the Al Qaeda in the Levant)

The so called friendly fire has come to a head this week with the an actual direct firefight between the Turkish military and the SDF which has led to an even more significant direct firefight between the US and Turkish forces within Syria. The contact may seem insignificant if it were not for the imporant fact is that Turkey is still a NATO member and this is the first ever incident of one NATO member has fired upon another NATO member in anger. Consequently, with the SDF clashing with the Turkish Army, America and Turkey, are now in direct conflict.

Changing geo-political dynamics.

Whilst the war against IS may seem to be winding down certain geo-political dynamics have fundamentally changed in recent months.

When, at the start of the year, it may seem that Turkey and Russia were about to engage in a direct confrontation after the shooting down of a Russian jet and more significantly with the assassination of the Russian Ambassador by an IS sympathiser. Instead, the recent incursion into Syria by the Turkish military through Operation Euphrates Shield, last year, and, now renamed Operation Euphrates Sword, since August 2017, has led to an accidental, and, now, an ongoing firefight, between the US military, how have now joined with the Kurds, within the SDF, as well as, having to face off with the residual remnants of the eschatologically prone IS. A lesser concern for the Turkish military is the Al Qaeda of the Levant who have been considered as a contingent concern for the time being.

Overall, as far as the Turkish political and military agenda is concerned, the problem of IS may be pale in comparison with an even greater probable conflict between Turkey and the Kurds not only within their own borders but also with the Syrian Kurds backed up by the Iraqi Kurds (Peshmerga) together with a significant US military presence within the SDF (YPG and US) which has become a double whammy for the Turks having to face their traditional enemy the Kurds and now an even more frightening prospect of having to face their most powerful NATO Ally the USA.

The September 25th Referenda, therefore, will either add impetus to the Greater Kurdistan political strategic objective of the regional Kurds, spearheaded by the Iraqi Peshmerga, the Turkish military's Operation Euphrates Sword may be considered much more than merely the extermination IS in killing two birds with one stone scenario. The Americans will now be having a diplomatic military alliance nightmare of having to deal with Erdogan and his Armed forces and the survivability of NATO or the demise of Erdogan himself as a consequence of Operation Euphrate Sword.

Tim Tufuga
30th August, 2017

1. Southfront.Org https://southfront.org/us-soldiers-engage-turkish-backed-militants-in-firefight-in-northern-syira/ 29th August, 2017
2.Radio Free Europe, https://www.rferl.org/a/turkey-iran-joint-operation-kurdistan-workers-party-denials/28691051.html 22nd August, 2017
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraqi_Kurdistan_independence_referendum,_2017

Wednesday 16 August 2017

The Moral Equivalence at street level. The rise of Militant Black Christians in America.

Perhaps, the moral equivalence, middle ground held by the current POTUS, may have been received well by David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan and the not so reticent, White Supremacist movement, not only within America, but, throughout Europe and Oceania, what has emerged from this drawing a line on the sand divided America, is a counter-movement, such as the 2013 Black Lives Matter movement.

Symbols of American cultural history since the American Civil War, have been removed after recent race riots.
(ABC News USA)

Since 2013, after a spike in fatal shootings of Black men by law enforcement officers, and, more significantly, with the mass shooting of nine Christian Afro-American church members in Charleston, South Carolina, in June 17, 2015, a number of nascent Black militant Christians have emerged.(1)

A nascent Christianised version of the CRIPS and BLOODS Afro-American Hoodlum gangs have gathered influence.
One such group SICARII has become a unique Militant Afro-American Christian gang. The group would face off with Polynesians, Afro-American Muslims, and White Supremacists.

A uniquely, Afro-American Hebrew Christian gang.

The Sicarii has become a very popular hip hop blend of Jewish Black Christians.
At the heart of the Black Hebrew Christian belief is rendering an eschatological war by the Jews (Black Jews) against the Edomites. The Edomites are the descendants of Esau.

Genesis 36:9.(2) Edomites are the descendants of Esau. Malachi 1: 2-3.(3)

Edomites are interpreted as Caucasions.

The rest, they consider as Kushites (Polynesians, and Muslims, etc) (symbolically, an ethnic group within middle Egypt in the old testament (Torah) times)

Tim Tufuga
16th August, 2017.


1. BBC.com, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33179019, 18th June, 2015.

2. Bible: Genesis 36: 9

3. Bible: Malachi 1: 2-3

Monday 7 August 2017

The Australian $1.6 trillion National Security Materiel Procurement 2017-2030. By Tim Tufuga

The expected expenditure of the Australian military materiel Procurement will be $1.6 Trillion dollars. (Cost of Australian National Security)

More of the latest acquisitions for the Australian Defence Force from the Australian Military Materiel Procurement schedule. With a projected $89 Billion for the next 30 years on Naval materiel procurement. (1) The breakdown of the materiel procurement will be focused primarily on replacement vessels for Submarines; Offshore Patrol Vessels (to be replaced with Offshore Combat vessels, most likely designed as minature versions of the littoral ships); (2) Frigates (most likely British Type 26 BAE systems Global Combat ships); and the new Air Warfare Destroyers (AWD) three in all.

The 12 new Barracuda Shortfin Submarines at a cost of $50 Billion. (3)

Easily the most expensive procurement behind the replacement of the ANZAC Class and Adelaide Class Frigates, 11 in total, with the expected British Type 26 Global Combat Ship, at a cost of $35 Billion for 9 Frigates to be built in Adelaide from 2020 onwards.
And, the Air Warfare Destroyers, Hobart Class Destroyers, HMAS Hobart, HMAS Brisbane and HMAS Sydney. ($8 Billion for three Destroyers) (4)

And, twelve (12) new Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) ( or Offshore Combat vessels) at a cost of $3 Billion. (5)

And, the controversial procurement of the Royal Australian Air Force's Joint Strike Fighter 35, Lightening II, 72 confirmed RAAF aircrafts will be delivered to Australia in early 2018. The cost is $17 Billion.

In the National Security surveillance procurement, perhaps the most significant materiel acquisition would undoubtedly be the seven (7) MQ 4C Triton Unmanned Aerial Surveillance Vehicles. For longer range, higher altitude surveillance.

For the Hawks of Australia, we have thought very well and thoroughly on our National Security, even if we don't mind bragging a bit about it.
National Security, yes, in Australia, is worth $1.6 trillion dollars.

Timoteo Tufuga


1. Pyne, (Hon) C, Australian Government, https://www.minister.defence.gov.au/minister/christopher-pyne/media-releases/local-industry-focus-offshore-patrol-vessel-project

2. Planned Australian Offshore Combat Vessels, Wikipedia.com, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_Australian_offshore_combatant_vessel

3. Craw, V, Barracuda submarines, http://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/design/australias-12-new-shortfin-barracuda-submarines-described-as-most-lethal-weapon-the-nation-has/news-story/a1f423bd9b30aef5259da42ba87cf503

4. Hobart Class Destroyers, wikipedia.com, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobart-class_destroyer

5. Australian Government press release, http://www.defence.gov.au/casg/EquippingDefence/SEA1180PH1_OffshorePatrolVessels

6. Royal Australian Air Force, https://www.airforce.gov.au/Technology/Aircraft/MQ-4C-Triton-Unmanned-Aircraft-System/?RAAF-BYjCaU6eHptQ3E2EiHw9jKOLJvauES8Y

Tuesday 4 July 2017

The Samoan Constitution a colonial legacy to degrade the Samoan Nation.

The two most salient points has arisen with the appointment process of the Samoan Head of State. Firstly, as a legacy of the New Zealand and British Colonial tutelage is the Samoan Constitution which has inadvertently degraded into commonplace the former dyarchical arrangements of the Sa Tupua and the Sa Malietoa royal lineages. Insodoing, the dilution of the royal titles into Royal Highness contesting for the Samoan Head of State renders the dyarchical arrangements meaningless and commonplace. For instance, the Mataafa title is in fact a Malietoa by extension and simply because a descendant of the Sa Pouesi Maota has become a Mataafa simply has splintered the Malietoa royal family to a Pouesi branch within a stand alone Mataafa title. One may argue then, that the Mataafa and most of the past nineteenth century military commanders of the respective Samoan tribal armies are simply Generals of their respective armies and have subsequently become elevated into amalgamated chieftainship subsequently. Needless to say, the Samoan constitution is in essence a parting legacy by the New Zealand government to the Samoan Nation in that it has bequethed a polity devoid of royal families, (apart from a highly contestable papa titles) but a legacy of contestable rival aristocratic class who will forever bicker and fight and will forever become divided and conquered. The Tongan example has also been a product of British and New Zealand intrique and behavioural engineering. The Tongans have a uncontestable Royal family, which was created by the British, more specifically the Weslyan Church Missionaries. The Weslyans were the Kingmakers. Samoa being arrogant refused to consolidate this system and subsequently feuded amongst themselves much to the delight of the British and New Zealanders who in turn detested the Samoans by denying them a military branch and by incorporating a constitution in which Samoans will never have a royal monarch forever. Secondly, it is the ultimate cutting the head of the snake scenario for a race. Here is the relevant Samoan constitutional clause with reference to the Samoan head of state
16. O le Ao o le Malo - There shall be a Head of State of Samoa to be known as O le Ao
o le Malo.
17. Repealed by clause (5)
Article 17 ceased to be in force on the death of Malietoa Tanumafili II on the 11th
day of May 2007 pursuant to clause (5).
18. Election of Head of State - (1) The Head of State shall be elected by the Legislative
Assembly under the provisions of the First Schedule.
(2) A person shall not be qualified to be elected to the office of Head of State:
(a) If he is not a person qualified to be elected as a Member of Parliament; or
(b) If he does not possess such other qualifications as the Legislative Assembly may
determine from time to time by resolution; or
(c) If he has previously been removed from the office of Head of State under the
provisions of clause (2) of Article 21.
(3) The validity of the election of the Head of State shall not be contested in any Court.
19. Term of office of Head of State - (1) Subject to the provisions of Articles 17 and 21,
the Head of State shall hold office for a term of 5 years from the date on which he
assumes the functions of his office:
PROVIDED THAT, notwithstanding the expiry of his term, he shall continue to hold
office until his successor assumes the functions of his office or for a period of 3 months,
whichever is the shorter period.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, a person who holds, or who has held,
office as Head of State, shall be eligible for re-election to that office.
(3) An election to fill a vacancy in the office of Head of State caused by the death,
resignation or removal of the Head of State or by the expiry of the term of his office shall
be held under the provisions of the First Schedule, and, subject to the provisions of this
Constitution, the person elected to that office shall hold office for a term of 5 years from
the date on which he assumes the functions of his office.

Radio New Zealand, http://www.radionz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/334479/new-head-of-state-for-samoa

Thursday 8 June 2017

USA: Comey calls Trump’s requests on Russia investigations ‘very disturb...

An unprecedented public hearing of a Senate Select Committee investigating the Russian link in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

In what could be the most momentous unprecedented event, not only is an impeachment process is formulated against the present United States President. An implication against the 45th United States President, will not only mean an impeachment, but, more seriously still, is the charge of espionage which will carry an even more serious indictment against the POTUS which means, if proven without any reasonable doubt, will result in a federal offence, for spying, which is a mandatory federal imprisonment offence.

Within six months of the present POTUS he has left a whirlwind impact upon the world. A very powerful influence which may, in many respects, be considered as unbridled hegemonic power by a seemingly unfettered POTUS tour de force,