Thursday, 8 June 2017

USA: Comey calls Trump’s requests on Russia investigations ‘very disturb...

An unprecedented public hearing of a Senate Select Committee investigating the Russian link in the 2016 United States Presidential election.

In what could be the most momentous unprecedented event, not only is an impeachment process is formulated against the present United States President. An implication against the 45th United States President, will not only mean an impeachment, but, more seriously still, is the charge of espionage which will carry an even more serious indictment against the POTUS which means, if proven without any reasonable doubt, will result in a federal offence, for spying, which is a mandatory federal imprisonment offence.

Within six months of the present POTUS he has left a whirlwind impact upon the world. A very powerful influence which may, in many respects, be considered as unbridled hegemonic power by a seemingly unfettered POTUS tour de force,

Sunday, 4 June 2017

London terrorism leading up to the British election during the Muslim month of Ramadan. By Tim Tufuga

With the British general election this week coinciding with the Muslim Ramadan holy month, it would not surprise political strategists to contrive an ultra reactionary propaganda strategy heading into the election.

The loser are the minorities and a tolerant multicultural society. The catalyst for this hatred unfortunately is indeed the Islamic religion and the segregationalism with a cultural caliphate culture which is not integrative but segregationalist at best and violently intrusive
This act of terrorism has only gave the reactionary political parties, the just cause for steering an election vote towards the ultra reactionary victory. The reactionary vote within the British Labour Party and the traditional Conservative parties may argue their own versions for a xenophobic Britain.

Islamic Jihadism has only succeeded in serving the political ultra right wing to defeat multiculturalism. Enoch Powell's foreboding warning of the river Tiber awash with the blood of racial hatred has been justified with the acts of terrorism by instruments of hatred by both the ultra right political parties and extremist religious terrorists. The winner in this age of global terrorism is the ultra rightwing xenophobic political parties.

By Tim Tufuga


Friday, 2 June 2017

President Trump pulls out of the Paris Global Warming Accord. By Tim B Tufuga

When the Hegemon decides to turn the Global Warming Weltgeist on its head and leaving the Global Warming science to simply being a groupthink fiasco. The global community will continue without the Hegemon like an organism without a head. It will continue to function but without the most powerful nation in the mix, the global community will falter and the world will truly realise how a non-American participation will be likened to a global organisation functioning without a head. It will work still but people will look askance at America for some support. (google search)

As a political Hegemon President Trump has truly shown his true grit by not being a follower in a crowd. He hasn't lost fans in this non-Statesmanlike foray in global politics, in fact, quite on the contrary, the President has gained support from an ochlocratic base from the hoi polloi who has welcomed true leadership from an American President who leads from the front and would not kowtow to a global weltgeist even if science, media and world entertainment, like a Roland Emmerich natural disaster movie can hope to influence the hearts and minds of the world. From this point alone, I too have warmed up to Trump's international arrogance from this standpoint.

As for his domestic troubles, well, this will only add fuel to the fire. His volatility at such a short period of his presidency has been frenetic and this President is certainly a President like no other. He has been a unique manifestation of America that a spaghetti westerns would only emulate as an all conquering American gunslinger getting down and dirty at high noon against all challengers. Yes, this includes each respective world leader across the way.

By Tim Brian Tufuga


Shear, M, New York Times,, 2nd June, 2017.